Become an Honorary DeMolay
Idaho DeMolay turns 100 years old in January of 2021. To celebrate this occasion, we are opening the Honorary Centennial Chapter and extending an invitation to all Masons in Idaho to become honorary DeMolays. Between our Conclave 2020 and Conclave 2021, we will offer several initiations in all regions of the state for any Mason who is interested in receiving the two degrees of DeMolay performed by the young men of Idaho DeMolay.
To receive the degrees, there is a lifetime petition fee of $50.00. Included in this fee is a patent for membership and an Honorary Idaho DeMolay lapel pin. In addition, you will receive the same Idaho DeMolay Centennial lapel pin that the young men will receive. Tentative dates and locations for the Ceremonies are below (additional dates and locations could be added or requested based on need):
July 30th, 2021 – Moscow, ID
October 23rd, 2021 – Boise, ID
Spring 2022 – Pocatello, ID
A petition for Honorary Centennial Chapter membership with instructions on how you can turn in your petition by mail or email can be found by clicking on the icon below:
If you have any questions about this special program, please contact Dad Chad Smith at (509) 240-5493 or email us at IdahoDeMolay@gmail.com.